Friday, October 19, 2012

Which Twitter Client is for me?

 Hurm... It's pretty obvious that I'm lazy with updating my blog now even my main blog. Oh well, lets slide that and go to the main point of this blog entry.

What is Twitter?

** Twitter is the social network similar to Friendster, MySpace, Tagged etc. but it only involve your post (tweets), follows and followers. It has more than that but lets just say the main point of Twitter are those 3 elements.

Simply put, you can't view other tweets from other twitter user if you don't follow them and vice versa. Follow and follower are similar to friends system in most social networking hosting.

What is Twitter Client?
** Twitter client is how you handle your twitter account from posting tweets to organize your particular setting. If you're a newcomer to Twitter, your default option would be the default Twitter website which has the most function available for you.

If by any chances going to web ie. opening browser, login and tweet is a hassle, there's always alternative to those. There's hundreds of twitter client you can choose out there, Tweetdeck, twicca, janetter, rockmelt, gwibber and many more. You name it. Each twitter client has their own advantage and disadvantage so you had to choose your own preferred twitter client.

What Twitter Client is perfect for me?
** If you would just to tweet and reply mentions mostly and has portable function, I would recommend Twicca for Android. Simple look yet perfect for on-the-go. If you still using old symbian (Nokia) or non-smart phone, there's always tweet by SMS (txt) and tweets60. For iPhone user, sorry I'm not a fan of Apple products so no recommendation from me for that platform.

For user who like to see their tweets as desktop, TweetDeck, Janetter and RockMelt is definitely for you. Those 3 I mention fulfill as semi-perfect twitter client for desktop user and support desktop view, adjustable timeline, notification, auto-load new tweets etc. For now, TweetDeck and RockMelt also support Facebook and other social network account to be integrated with these client.

For people who want to still using web as their tweeting platform but got bored with default twitter web, I would recommend Twipple since it has a lot of cool design for your twitter page but it's only available in Japanese only. You may try to google for other twitter web client out there but beware of dragons!


That's it for my recommendation. I still am trying other possible twitter client out there that suits me but most best Twitter design are from Japan like Twicca and Twipple but if you can find one that needs recommendation, be sure to hook me up and I'll try it out for sure. Twitter FTW!!