Thursday, May 24, 2012

Programming is totally my study course!

Screenshot from within Ubuntu

Not to brag but after seeing the 1st semester result of mine few days ago (above pic), I was totally jumped. After all, this is my first time of my life I got result with TPG slightly above 3.50 which is the best. When I was in UiTM, the best result I could get was 2.61, below 3.0 pointer which is bad.

After this motivational pointer, I'll certainly try to do my best to get better grade and excel more to be a new programmer even though it's just for Diploma course. Some of my classmates didn't do so well in the last final exams and some were have to repeat one or two papers and mostly were Maths.

And yes I did felt weird about one thing. I wasn't very good with Math apparently and only targeted highest for B grade but I get A in the final exam. That's the weird thing...

Oh well, the bragging ends now. It's not like anyone would read this anyway.

Result from PUO (Polytechnic Ungku Omar) (1st semester)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

It's been long...

Haha, if you hadn't notice, the date margin between this post and previous post were somewhat huge. Yes, it's been long I ditched this blog and also my other anime-specific blog, AerialSight and to calculate it my month, it's almost 7 months in here and 8 month for the other blog.

If you've been notice too at the left pane of this site, you'll see something difference, the Twitter feed. What's the latest and when? Haha, yes I've been an active Twitter user since last year and still use 'em. Apart from Twitter I still visit Tagged from time to time, just to play Pets (although I'm not very fond with social networking games etc.)

Facebook!? You've got to be kidding me. I hate those. Hate it so much I don't even want to visit it anymore but due to some of my current classmates need some info from me, I'll open it from time to time (seldom, not always). In holiday, guess what, I'll let my FB rot. Haha... I don't even want to open it.

Now you're questioning why I hate facebook. A lot of reasons actually and I'll state the obvious, IT'S TOO D*** POPULAR. Facebook had conquer the internet and in my country, almost 90% of population have facebook account. I hate super uber popular and just like average joe sites etc. Other reasons are common. Games, wall-to-wall, poke, timeline, block friend request etc.

The heck!? Why I'm talking about facebook on my homecoming? Geh screw you facebook *kick the wall*. Ehem... I guess I had nothing to write for now, just I'll continue to redesign and update both of my blog tomorrow.